Octothorp Press
The Octothorp Press
Advent Church-Bulletin Cover

For the four Sundays of Advent in 2003, we created this cover graphic for the bulletin of Grace Evangelical Covenant Church (Chicago). It is designed for one panel of a tri-fold legal-size bulletin.

The design depends heavily on the virtues of three fonts: Notes, Zapfino, and Impact. In particular, many of Zapfino's rich set of alternate letterforms are on display here, and it was a pleasure to hand-select glyphs from so well-made a font. (Note the three different shapes of the lower-case "d," for example.) The graphic was pieced together with Apple's TextEdit, GraphicConverter, and FreeHand.

The text is from Luke 1:68, the beginning of the prophetic prayer of Zechariah upon the birth of his son, John the Baptist. #

Advent 2003 Cover

Many thanks to Kriss Marion for commissioning this piece and for seeing how elements might spill out into the sanctuary.

rev. 2003.11.24a

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